kokeshi dolls

The 66th Zen-Nihon Kokeshi contest

The 66th Zen-Nihon Kokeshi contest

The 66th Zen-Nihon Kokeshi contest will be held from May 3rd to 5th in Shiroishi city of Miyagi prefecture

The 66th Zen-Nihon Kokeshi contest

The 66th Zen-Nihon Kokeshi contest will be held from May 3rd to 5th in Shiroishi city of Miyagi prefecture

What is Kokeshi?

What is Kokeshi?

‘Kokeshi’ (kokeshi dolls) are a traditional wooden craft in the northern part of Japan, ‘Tohoku’ region. Those dolls have been crafted for over 160 years. The dolls are very simple...

What is Kokeshi?

‘Kokeshi’ (kokeshi dolls) are a traditional wooden craft in the northern part of Japan, ‘Tohoku’ region. Those dolls have been crafted for over 160 years. The dolls are very simple...